The Prior's Court Learning Framework consists of seven key Areas of Learning that we feel best support autistic young people with complex needs at Prior’s Court to gain skills and achieve the best quality of life for them as individuals.
The framework's underpinning values are for health, happiness and skills into work/work experiences. The seven Areas of Learning look at developing independence and generalising skills in the areas of Communication, Positive Behaviour Support, Daily Living Skills, Healthiness, Keeping Me Safe and either Functional Academics or Vocational Learning.
Each pathway is bespoke to the individual through their targets and smaller ‘I can’ statements.
Learning is done in context and across the extended day to ensure regular practice of skills.
See examples of our Learning Framework in action
Young people learn the skills they need to keep themselves safe in all aspects of their lives, including understanding safety and privacy and the safe use of technology. Read more
Our vocational area of learning prepares young people for the world of work. Young people learn vocational skills in areas such as grounds maintenance or housekeeping, depending on their skills and interests. Read more
Young people learn functional academics in subjects including literacy, numeracy, science, music and art, computing, design technology, geography, history and RE, including British values and respect for cultures. Read more
Young people learn daily living skills including personal care, meal time practices, leisure and social skills and looking after their environments. Read more
Our Positive Behaviour Support area of learning gives young people the skills to self-manage their behaviour, considering their sensory needs, mental wellbeing and support with relationships. Read more
Young people are supported to learn communication and social skills, including expressive and receptive language, both verbal and non-verbal. Read more
Young people at Prior's Court learn skills to keep them healthy including those related to sleeping, eating and drinking, health and hygiene, first aid and exercise. Read more