The 24 hour waking curriculum and excellent wraparound care has given our son the chance to experience a life we all take for granted. For him, walks in the countryside, trips to the beach, picnics, trips to the supermarket and restaurant meals were highly problematic and challenging. With the loving care of his carers and Priors Court's step by step approach, he has been able to do all these things.

Parent of a young person at Prior's Court

Consistency of approach throughout the Extended Day

The most crucial factor in achieving success for the young people we support is consistency of approach.

As such, learning takes place throughout the entire Extended Day and in all settings, including education, residential homes and within the wider community. Consistency is achieved through having a shared approach, careful planning and a focus on ensuring expertise for all staff. Education, residential and therapy teams work together with specialists and parents/carers to ensure consistency. This way, each young person has the opportunity to make progress in all areas of learning

A personalised programme of learning

Learning in all areas is individualised to each young person. Each follows their own personalised programme of learning with activities structured throughout their Extended Day and consistent learning objectives followed by all staff across both education and residential settings.

This programme is reviewed regularly by key staff using supporting information from Prior Insight to look at each young person's achievements and individual needs, building on their strengths and interests and their developing and emerging skills. 

Generalising skills

Young people learn and develop skills in seven key areas and practice these skills regularly in a range of different settings. Every part of a young person's day is considered to provide opportunities for learning and reinforcing skills, using our consistent approach. This supports the recognised need for generalisation and overlearning in autistic people. 

Learn more about our approach to learning