Each of the young people at Prior's Court are taught skills across their Waking Day from our seven Areas of Learning. These Areas of Learning were identified to ensure young people learn skills that will support them now and later in life. 

One of these areas focuses on Daily Living Skills, targeting regular skills used in and out of the home such as developing personal care routines (washing, brushing teeth, brushing hair etc.), developing appropriate mealtime behaviour, shopping for and preparing food, cleaning the home, and more. 

In the video you can see young adult Taran practising his household chores by loading the dishwasher, tidying away used plates, and wiping down the tables after eating. His Autism Practitioner can be heard giving him communicated (verbal) prompts. Communicated prompts are used when a young person is more independent in their skills acquisition, compared to prompts such as physical (hand over hand) for example.

Young people work their way through the prompt levels on skills acquisition, up to the "mastered" level where through structure and visuausl the young person can follow without prompts or help. 

These skills will allow Taran to live a happier, healthier, and more independent future.