A team of Visa volunteers bounced in to support autistic young people with complex needs on a visit to our beautiful 50-acre site.

The team of 18 were tasked with helping install a sunken trampoline to be put in the garden of one of our 16 residential homes on-site, called Summerhill.

With the sun occasionally shining and a stiff breeze providing welcome relief, the team got down to work with gusto. And, to their credit, the team did so well with putting together one of the trampolines, they were given the task of doing another in the home next door, Beechcroft.

After they marked their card with these two jobs, there was time to rid our Countryside Learning Centre of some pesky stinging nettles and getting on with some grass mowing, making the area a far safer environment for the autistic young people we support to learn skills around animal husbandry.

The team were also given a guided tour of our site to learn more about the work our amazing staff do every single day supporting autistic young people with complex needs.

A huge thank you to team Visa - you were everywhere we wanted you to be.

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