Prior's Court has recently become a founder member of National Association for Advancing Autism Education (NAAAE)

NAAAE is an independent, membership organisation that brings together experts across the field, with the voice of autistic children, young adults, and their parents, to drive the change the group wants to see and to produce the correct in-school resources.

We opted to join NAAAE after a trustee of theirs visited us. We felt they had the same values and ambitions as we do around autism and autistic young people. We felt we could work well together, especially in thinking about work and future outcomes for autistic young people.

By taking part in a regular NAAAE forum, we will be sharing practice, research, opportunities and also influencing practice as a united group for people with complex needs.

NAAAE was only set up in 2023 and by being part of the journey from the beginning, we will hopefully be able to shape the agenda around complex needs and ensure we tackle any lack of knowledge.

Sue Piper, Prior's Court Director of Learning

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