Prior's Court is home for our young people. And while we have an extensive 50 acre site to explore, like any home, you need to be able to get out of it and into the community. As a residential special school, it is hugely important young people have experiences in their local community. This is vital to our approach to give young people here the best possible quality of life.

We seek to provide the young people at Prior's Court with opportunities to learn, play, create, and interact socially with other young people from the wider community. Our young people visit supermarkets, cafes, libraries, parks, and many more on a regular basis to ensure they interact with the wider community as much as possible. 

One such group took an educational trip up to Donnington Castle where they had a very sunny, if also very cold, picnic. Dylan, Thomas, Ethan, and Anton spent the day exploring the grounds, posing in front of the drawbridge, and enjoying a lovely walk. Below you can see the young people enjoying their time outside with their Autism Practitioners and admiring the view of the castle from a distance.